Myers’ Cocktail IV Drip

Comprised of essential multivitamins and other nutrients, this is designed to help alleviate chronic symptoms, including ongoing pain, asthma and more.

Possible benefits of Myers Cocktail

  • Helps alleviate stress
  • Improves your immunity
  • Restores balance
  • Provides hydration
  • Helps reduce migraines
  • Reduces chronic pain

What it includes

  • Magnesium chloride which can help reduce fatigue, improve immunity, decrease risk of developing migraines, improve relaxation and more
  • A blend of B-complex vitamins that can help convert nutrients into energy and help keep skin and blood cells healthy
  • Hydroxo B12 that is designed to help treat low levels of Vitamin B12. Can also promote healthy brain function, blood, cells, and nerves.
  • Calcium gluconate that helps promote healthy bones and the normal functioning of muscles, nerves and cells in the body
  • Ascorbic acid which can act as an antioxidant that may help protect cells from free-radical damage, absorb iron, create collagen and boost immunity.