
Introducing Biote

Biote stands for bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. This natural hormone procedure is backed by 80 years of scientific insight and works to identify the early signs of aging. Our certified Biote providers take pride in offering personalized, precise care. The way your body functions and how your body responds to BHRT are all distinct therefore, Valley Drip Bar and Med Spa, your Biote Certified Provider in Harrisonburg, Virginia, will work to develop a personalized treatment plan based on your specific needs.

What is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy?

As we age, our bodies naturally start to reduce the amount of hormones like testosterone and estrogen they produce. Hormones such as these are incredibly important to how many areas of your body function – such as your brain, heart, bones, reproductive organs, and more. When these hormones are out of balance, people can experience a number of different symptoms. Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) is a method of restoring the balance of your hormones and aiming to relieve these symptoms, using compounded hormones that are identical in structure to those your body naturally produces. That way, your body recognizes and uses these replacement hormones in exactly the same way it would hormones it produces naturally.

Ready to get started?
Follow these steps

  1. Call 540.466.4228 or schedule an initial appointment online.
  2. During your initial appointment you will have lab work drawn and complete a health assessment questionnaire that gives the provider an overview of your symptoms.
  3. Sit down to consult with our certified provider to review your lab results and coordinate a plan that is specific to your wellness needs.
  4. Participate in the short, non-invasive pelleting procedure.
  5. Our Biote’ team will work closely following up with you and ensuring you are provided with the support you need.